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Title: Оценка пожарной опасности дыхательных аппаратов с химически связанным кислородом
Authors: Ильинский Э.Г.
Конопелько Е.И.
Плетенецкий Р.С.
Issue Date: 27-Apr-2013
Abstract: The calculation of increase of the oxygen volume fraction escaped in the envi-ronment through a relief valve of breathing apparatus, chemical oxygen type, i.e. the PX-4 self-contained breathing apparatus and the ШСС-1 self-contained self-rescuers, is carried out. The maximum increase of the oxygen volume fraction by hard work with the breathing apparatus on makes no more than 2.5 %, what is evidence of the full safety of use of those apparatus in a fire-hazardous atmosphere.
Appears in Collections:Наукові праці викладачів кафедри ОПтаА

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